What kind of Mom would I be if I didn’t want my children to be happy?!
Actually, I’d be a good one.
These are my babies. They’re 20 and 16 now, making big life decisions. My prayer for them is that they know that they are loved, have the confidence to be who they are, and do what they find fulfilling.
Just Be Happy
Since today is National I Want You to be Happy Day, you could say that I want them to be happy. But that wouldn’t be entirely true.
I don’t just want them to seek happiness. I want my children to find holiness.
I want them to experience trials that produce perseverance, good character, and hope-filled spirits. (Romans 5:3-5) I want them to boast in their weaknesses so that they may learn to lean on God’s strength. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
I want my children to feel challenged and be bold. I want them to be willing to do what is uncomfortable. They should know they have what it takes to do hard things. I want them to stand up for themselves and for what is right. I want them to learn, grow, and achieve what is meaningful to them in a way and aligned with God’s calling on their lives.
I want them to experience the discomfort of trying new things. I want them to wrestle with and overcome their false mental models. I want them to struggle well and in the pursuit of that which sets their souls on fire.
I don’t want them to settle for mere happiness, which can be fleeting, tempting, or the result of instant gratification.
I want them to experience the joy that comes from living aligned with their values, using their innate gifts and talents in a meaningful way for their good and God’s glory.
Of course, I want my children to be happy.
But I want so much more for them too.